Karl E. Knudsen
Attorney at Law
Mr. Knudsen has been a trial lawyer for over 45 years. After almost 8 years as an Assistant District Attorney, he opened his private practice in 1987. Since that time, he has been representing persons accused of crimes from traffic offenses to capital murder, as well as those who have been injured by the negligence of others. He has been a Board-Certified Specialist in State Criminal Law since 1996. He even testified before the United States Congress as an Expert in Insanity Pleas. He has also been successful in getting several clients released from prison/mandated mental health hospitals when he proved that they had been rehabilitated and were no longer a danger to society.
In his spare time, Karl enjoys deep sea fishing, game hunting, mushroom hunting, cooking, and spending time with his family.
In 1998 Karl won the Big Rock Tournament in Morehead City while fishing on the Waste Knot. He was the angler who caught a 564 lb. Blue Marlin. That same year he won the World Championship of Billfishing in Los Suenos, Costa Rica. He went on to become the first two-time champion when he won the World Championship again in 2006. Later that same year, he competed in the WBS Versus Tournament of Champions in Guatemala and took home the 1st place trophy. Since then, he has just fished for fun with friends and family, as seen here in a picture of Karl and his son Kristoffer. Of course, you can't forget the reward of having a delicious meal to eat, which Karl knows just how to prepare and even has a couple recipes in well known cookbooks, if you know where to look.
His mushroom hunting also plays a role in his cooking. He loves to use beautiful and locally grown mushrooms that he gathers himself to flavor his dishes, and sometimes be the star of the dish. The picture you see here of him with the large orange mushroom is a giant Chicken of the Woods (Laetiporus) that he found. The picture of him with the brown mushroom is a Hen of the Woods (Maitake) that he also found. Both were cooked and enjoyed.
Bar Admissions
- North Carolina - All Trial and Appellate Courts, 1978
- U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, 2001
- J.D. - University of North Carolina School of Law, 1978
- B.A. - North Carolina State University, 1975
- Major: Politics
- National College of District Attorneys Career Prosecutor Course, 1984
- National College of District Attorneys Faculty Advisor, 1985
Professional Memberships
- American Bar Association
- American Association for Justice
- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
- North Carolina State Bar
- North Carolina Bar Association
- North Carolina Advocates for Justice
- Wake County Bar Association
- Wake County Academy of Criminal Trial Lawyers